Friday 20 June 2008

I've not posted for a while, for a combination of reasons; work and exams, laziness and the lack of any news that really excited me. I got bored going over the same stories again and again.

Today, I saw something that really caught my eye though. The BBC has an article about Adebayor. It's different though; not claiming he's off to Milan or Barcelona (which he isn't), but rather about his life in Togo before he came to Europe, and the work he does there now. For me, it shows how hard he has worked to get where he is today, and I don't know why really, but it makes me even surer that he isn't about to leave the club. I thought it was a nice change to the normal bollocks-mongering you get from the papers during the summer.

Hopefully I'll be updating the blog more regularly in future, although I am about to go on holiday on Monday, so I'll get back to it when I'm back home.

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